QUADRAPRE            Torna a Prodotti









Il quadrapre Sutera come dice il nome � composto da quattro preamplificatori distinti ad altissima dinamica e bassissimo rumore di fondo,ogni canale possiede entrata microfonica bilanciata sul retro XRL,entrata di linea bilanciata sul retro XRL,entrata bilanciata e sbilanciata jack sul frontale. N.B. (quando viene inserito il jack, automaticamente viene esclusa l'entrata linea XRL, a seconda del jack che viene usato(MONO o STEREO)l'entrata diventa bilanciata o sbilanciata; altro pregio che far� risparmiare tempo nel collegamento e rischi di riversamento della phantom +48 dove nondeve assolutamente andare � che XRL linea e XRL mic sono due entrate distinte e completamente separate).

Ogni canale dispone inoltre di: Phantom+48, hi-pass 75Hz, FASE +\- e di uscita XRL, sul retro bilanciata +4db in classe A.

Altra novit�: abbiamo affrontato i possibili problemi di latenza con registratori digitali, ottenendo la possibilit� di fare un mix diretto dal preamp.senza doverci collegare per forza con dei ponti spartani, (compromettendo l'ottima performance delle uscite XRL in classe A che vanno alla registrazione) cos� abbiamo dotato ogni canale di un'uscita supplementare (sul retro) jack sbilanciata a 0db.N.B.: questa nuova uscita � comunque di altissima qualit� e completamente separata elettronicamente da quella XLR.

In ogni canale � presente una piccola strumentazione composta da tre LED: il LED verde a - 20db ci � utile per sapere se � presente un segnale anche se basso; il LED giallo 0db ci avverte che in uscita XRL abbiamo un segnale a +4db bilanciato e 0db sbilanciato nel jack; il LED rosso si accende quando stiamo superando dei picchi di +15db in uscita(distorsione).N.B.la macchina all'interno � completamente modulare per una assistenza facile e veloce, le alimentazioni sono tutte separate, stabilizzate 2 volte e provenienti da trasformatori con certificazione audio.

Come detto in precedenza le caratteristiche sopra citate sono presenti identiche su tutti e quattro i canali.

Sul canale 1 e 2 sono presenti degli optional(possiedono oltre che line e mic l'entrata HI-Z).l'HI-Z permette di collegare strumenti con uscite adatte a strumenti tipo: chitarre elettriche e acustici, microfoni piezo, piano fender, bassi elettrici ecc...

La qualit� e la flessibilit� di questo ingresso (lineare da 5HZ a 200Khz e capace di sopportare segnali di +4db senza distorcere) lo rendono davvero unico e prezioso.

Ora passiamo al canale 1, il quale, come vedremo, ha optional veramente introvabili e insostituibili.

IL canale 1 possiede in pi� del canale 2-3-4 un insert disponibile in versione XRL +4db e Jack -10\-20db.

La regolazione del modo insert(0\-10\-20)� disponibile sul pannello frontale, questa funzione permette di adattare il canale a qualsiasi apparecchio(dal pedalino(-20db jack) all'equalizzatore stereo da casa (-10db jack)e professionali 0db(XRL+4db bilanciato).

Vi � capitato di volere usare un tremolo da chitarra sulla voce, oppure un vecchio equalizzatore da casa del quale vi piaceva il suono, oppure di mettere la voce in un amplificatore passando dal pre e registrare quello che esce dall'amplificatore con un'altro microfono conservando anche la diretta iniziale del primo, oppure fare la stessa cosa con un piano fender ?


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The "Quadrapreamp Sutera" is composed by four separate preamps, each having high dynamic and very low noise. The noise is almost not measurable by any modern noise analyzer. The connections for every channel are available in the rear panel. Let's start with a description of this panel.

Each channel has 1 XRL balanced microphonic input, 1 XRL balanced line input, 1 Class A XRL balanced +4Db output and 1 unbalanced 0Db jack output ( 775 mV ).This output prevents having delay in the listening of what is being recorded, a problem often occurring in low cost hard disk recording systems and avoids the need to connect different cables to a single source.Moreover, During live recording, it is possible to split two separate signals, one to the main desk and the other to a remote recording system.

In the rear panel we find the on/off switch and the GND switch. In the front panel we have: 4 balanced/unbalanced jack inputs, automatically detecting what kind of plug we use.

When a jack is inserted the machine simultaneously disconnects the XRL line in the rear. This operation prevents the boring operation of connecting and disconnecting cables when the situation arises. Many times, in my personal experience, I spent a long time waiting for these changes, often losing what could have been an inspirational moment or worse.

Each channel is provided with Phantom+48, hi-pass 75 Hz, Phase +/-, Gain , Mic/line selector, a small 3 led level meter.

The Mic/line selectors in the first two channel are provided with a third mode, called H ( hi-impedance ).

This device has been created in order to allow these operations:

1.. 1. Recording of active and passive instruments:

Usually when we need to record an instrument such as a passive electric guitar or items of the same kind we are compelled to connect them to a line input. The standard input line has an impedance going from 10 K to 20 K. The disadvantage of this impedance with this kind of instruments is that the sound being recorded could be described as dark, noisy and lacking harmonics.Let's figure this situation:

We want to record a guitar directly. If we record it directly we might have sound problems or a sound that does not meet completely our requirements. On the other hand, if we use an amplifier with a microphone the sound might be good but not a real or a faithful one.

The "Sutera Quadrapreamp" set in the H mode, through a specifically dedicated stage with an impedance of 2 M solves completely this problem, giving as a result a real sound. A sound which can be described as linear, from 5 Hz to 200 Khz.

2. Mode H associated to vintage instruments:

With items such as Minimoog, Piano Rhodes, Arp, Odissey and so on although they are active what can happen is that the quality of out signal may not be good because it is part of an old system or project. The Mode H solves this problem too, resulting in new life and vitality .

3. Mastering.

The "Quadrapre" is provided with 2 channels equipped with the H mode. These features allow us to work in a stereo mode. As said at p.2, the quality of the out drivers may not be good due to low cost instruments , shallowness in designing the project or it could  just be a choice of the constructor. We also refer to items such as cheap CD Players, Dat Players, Mixers but we may find troubles with very expensive equipment too. The "Quadrapre" is an universal interface to solve all problems related to out drivers.

One more thing:

The first channel is equipped with an insert.

Its peculiarity is that it makes the machine a perfect interface for any kind of sound effect, no matter if it is a fuzz box pedal, a home hi-fi equalizer or a Pro reverb processor like, for instance, a Lexicon 480. This insert works in any input selection we choose, ( M.,L.,H.).

We would like to go into more details:

If I want to use a guitar tremolo box associated to a Neumann microphone the "Quadrapre" allows us to do this with maximum result in relation to Noise/Signal ratio.

Another asset of the machine:

An artist could come up with an idea such as: "Just let me sing into this Neumann and pass my voice into a guitar amplifier.

I want to hear what it sounds like!"

As the interface works perfectly it is possible to do that with no problems at all.

More: if we have recorded a bass line that suits us very well and we have done this recording

In the direct mode but we regret not to have used ,say, an Ampeg amplifier we can proceed in this way:

We pass the recorded signal into the "Quadrapre" and we send it to the Ampeg, with perfect, amazing result.

We have not stressed this point, but this machine is a wonderful microphonic preamplifier as well.

We have not constructed an excellent copy of something that already exists.

As we have customized, adapted or transformed material from every brand or provenience for many recording studios

we have acquired a deep knowledge about the philosophy of manufacturing and/or designing.

What we want to imply is that the "Quadrapre" is a really innovative machine, one of those things that

cannot be made overnight but are the result of long research and long recording experience.

Every "Quadrapre" is handmade and there is a limited number of machines.



